We Are Called to Pray
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people– for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”
– 1 Timothy 2: 1-4 (NIV)
Our Mission
The mission of the annual Rome Area Prayer Breakfast is to unite area Christians to pray for our nation, our community and our families. Our speakers encourage ethics in the community, raise awareness of important issues and challenge us to make a difference for Christ.
We have the best volunteers ever including our Board of Directors and Steering Committee. However, we always can use an extra hand. If you would like to volunteer, please sign up and we will be in touch.
Going Strong Since 1993
2017 Speaker
Voddie Baucham
2018 Speaker
John O’Leary
2021 Speaker
Sujo John
Who We Are
Our Board of Directors
The Rome Area Prayer Breakfast, Inc. is a non-profit organization – 501(c)(3) whose goal is to host an annual event for the community that focuses on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and praying for our community at large. A national speaker headlines this well attended and long-running event and due to the generosity of our sponsors it is free to the public.
Jimmy Jordan
Jimmy Jordan founded the Rome Area Prayer Breakfast in 1993 along with the Pregnancy Center of Rome (currently known as Haven Health Clinic) as well as the Christian Counseling Center. While initially under one non-profit umbrella, the Rome Area Prayer Breakfast, Inc. is now a separate 501(c)(3) non-profit. All gifts are tax deductible.
Charles S. Williams
April J. Howell
Event Manager
William Burk
Board Member
Greg Major
Board Member
Dr. Terri Mayes
Board Member
Billy Murdock
Board Member
Reverend Bob Skelton
Board Member Emeritus
Sherry White
Board Member
A National Day of Prayer
The Hugh Burnes Christian Service Award
About the Award
The Hugh Burnes Christian Service Award was established in 2005. This honor is awarded annually at the Rome Area Prayer Breakfast held each year on the National Day of Prayer. The recipients are those individuals whose Christian testimony is characterized by integrity, passion, and humility in service to their church and the community.
Such was the life of Hugh Burnes (1920 – 2004) for whom the award is named. He was a native of Rome and served his country as Naval Officer in World War II. Known for his integrity, generosity, and humility; he was the model of understated Christian witness. Mr. Burnes served First Presbyterian Church as a Deacon (1960), Elder (1970), Church Treasurer (1960) and was elected to the Life Class of Elders in 1983. He was one of the few men trusted to prepare and help serve Holy Communion on Sunday. Mr. Burnes was reliably the first one to arrive to the church well before services to ensure that the heat and lights were on.
Mr. Burnes excelled in management in the Textile industry both in West Point Pepperell and Rome Manufacturing. He loved his community and sought ways to serve the people here. He had served as a volunteer and in leadership positions with many associations such the United Way of Rome and Floyd County, the American Legion, Boy Scouts, Rome Area Prayer Breakfast and many others.
After retirement, Mr. Burnes worked with a friend who owned the local Buick dealership. He loved people and he loved cars – Buicks in particular. It was said of him that he would often loan customers his personal automobile until theirs was repaired.
Mr. Burnes once said on behalf of Mrs. Burnes and himself ” . . . very grateful to the Good Lord for giving us the opportunity to serve His Church . . . “
Recipients of the Hugh Burnes Christian Service:
- Hugh S. Burnes – 2005
- Robert “Bob” Skelton – 2006
- Hugh F. Davis – 2007
- Scott Jackson – 2009
- J. Parnick Jennings – 2010
- Gary Batchelor – 2011
- Earl Tillman – 2012
- Vance H. Luke – 2013
- Jim Dudley – 2014
- Chaplain Billy Murdock – 2015
- Dr. Toby Morgan – 2016
- Jimmy E. Jordan – 2017
- Dr. William Flannagan -2018
- Carey N. Ingram – 2019
- Nathan & Jane Phillips (Battlefield Min.) – 2021
- Fred Taylor – 2022
- Yvonne Miller – 2023
- Drs. Paul and Cynthia Shumpert – 2024
Mailing Address
Post Office Box 1482
Rome, Georgia 30162
Email Address
April Howell | Event Manager